PDF has become one of the most widely used document formats. Several reasons support this popularity. First, there is its relatively small size; second, it keeps the chosen page layout to produce printed copies looking exactly as the screen views; and third, it has almost become a standard application so it is unlikely to find a computer without Adobe Reader, the program used to read this kind of file.
PDF2EXE converts your PDF documents into executable standalone files. This way, they can be read on any computer, even if Adobe Reader is not installed. The application is easy to use. Actually, there are two basic steps: loading PDF and saving it as an executable file. However, it could have been made easier if the designers had made the conversion steps more obvious. More precisely, they could have used any of the two interface layouts that seem to be popular among converter developers. I am particularly talking about the wizard model that guides the user through the necessary steps, or the other in which all the functions are packed into a single window with hierarchically marked buttons.
There are lots of options available. In this regard, you will be able to protect your document by disabling conversion, saving, extraction of images or printing. This program also has the capability to compress and encrypt the PDF before conversion. Other parameters will let you decide on the appearance of the generated executable file. more